Thursday, November 03, 2005

His heart is in the right place.....

Jimmy Carter was on Larry King promoting his new book; "Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis". I agree with most of what he said, but perhaps the book should have been titled: "The Declining Moral Values of the American Presidency". That was pretty much what he talked about.

Let us be perfectly clear here, both men - Carter and Bush appear to have fine personal morals. Carter's presidency was plagued by problems and, sadly, Bush's administration as well. It didn't sound like Carter had a lot of scandals, just problems and malaise. Scandals are beginning to surface in the Bush Administration, yet isn't the ultimate scandal going to war under false pretenses???

Leakgate may or may not prove to be a serious part of this falsehood. We certainly know that there were NO weapons of mass destruction of any importance. We also know that this prisoner dention and torture stuff is not "moral" under most American's values.

I think Carter has a lot of good ideas. He's a scientist and a Christian, who dismisses fundamentalism. That gained points with me from the beginning!!! He seems more involved in world advocacy than the Democratic Party, but I wish he would infuse some ideas into the brain-dead Democrats. They need all the help they can get!


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