Thursday, November 03, 2005

Finding the right answer....

The recent riots in the suburbs of Paris speak volumes of the issues affecting the poor immigrants in that country. Particularly poor Muslims. Meanwhile in neighboring Spain the picture is brighter. First of all, we all thought they were making a mistake giving in to terrorists by changing presidents and pulling troops out of Iraq. Those actions, if done alone, probably would have been a mistake.

But they are also are remembering a time when Christians, Jews and Muslims lived together before the Crusades. Improving relations involves understanding your history and learning from it's mistakes. Those three religions really have a lot in common if people weren't so pig-headed. Getting rid of Muslim immigrants in Europe would be like America trying to oust all Mexican immigrants. It ain't gonna happen. Some of the modern day Muslims have generations in their countries. They speak the language and are part of the countries fabric.

The hardened terrorist you can't do anything but fight. But the millions of disaffected people who are ripe for recruitment, you can! So the approach in Spain has been a bit different. So what? Heck, for all I know Osama is dead and just being kept alive through fake recordings and what not. It's the new recruits you've got to worry about and not their leaders. Without the fools to go blow themselves up and set bombs, the leaders would be powerless.

First, find out what the legitimate grievances are. Then work on a fair solution. There's a lot of Muslims around here, but I don't see them going around trying to force their views on others. Most are peaceful, respectful and law abiding. We should treat them with the same respect. Live and let live is what I say.


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