Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Not in my back yard!

Yeah, I thought closing gitmo wouldn't prove so easy.  The fact that Democrats are balking at Obama's decree tells us that their constituants don't want to live next to terrorists.  As I said earlier, an eventual closing of the base is a good thing to do, but also very problematic.  

The first thing I would have done is gotten due process for those swept up, but not proven to be real terrorists.  Nobody should be held in prison without a trial or conviction....

Yes, I like Obama's sentement to break with the past.  However, you need a plan to deal with these people.  I think some can't return  to their home countries.  And since the U.S. pushed this war, we are left alone to deal with the aftermath.

They'll now be forced to come up with a plan.  So it is good that Congress did not just go forward and rubber stamp the President's request.  


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