Saturday, August 16, 2008

Faith forum hosted by Rick Warren...

Hmmm.... Interesting. Well, I'm glad that Christian Evangelicals are beginning to talk about more than the two primary traditional issues: gay marriage and abortion. Really, I think the country is in a bind and can't afford to be polarized over these issues, when there are more urgent issues at hand. And yes, I'm aware that some people might read this post and get upset over my brushing aside of those issues.

Heck, I never encouraged anyone to get an abortion! In fact if indeed some young lady were to come to me and ask my advise (which won't happen), I would ask them to think carefully and seek counseling about it before making a rash decision. And I'm not sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for legalization of gay marriage. Not against it, but I can live without it.

The international troubles, immigration, healthcare and our budget need priority treatment over these other issues.


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