Monday, October 01, 2007

McCain gets some flak from religious groups...

Well, let me state it again that I could care less what religion a candidate is! Let me state that the ONLY qualification I have is the Kennedy-esque statement that their faith should not interfere with their upholding the law of the land. Most Christian, Jewish and even Islamic people could probably qualify if they are tolerant of other people and religions. Most are, a few are not!

I am NOT religious. So, you must be tolerant of me, too!

This brings to mind that group of rediculous English Muslims holding their signs talking about how Islam will take over the world and everyone will have to convert or die! How rediculous! And I have to say that there are some "fringe" groups claiming to be Christian, which are just as bad.

Faith should be a personal thing. If some values, such as not killing people, are included in our laws and are also in a religion, well fine! It is a wonderful tribute to the Christian founders that they devised a nation where all religions are welcome. Of course, considering that England had a State religion, this makes sense.


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