Monday, August 28, 2006

Rep. Harris: Church-state separation 'a lie'

Oh, there she goes again! That bitch, Kathryn Harris, and her stupid eyebrows! Thanks to her, W. won in 2000 and we're in this mess. Sensible Florida republicans are refusing to back her. It's good to have prominent idiots like this spewing their garbage to aid the opposition.

I believe that we do have a seperation of church and state in America and that we should keep it. Freedom of religion is stated in the Constitution and no religion is specified as the state religion. Further, congress is forbidden from meddeling in religion. Equality is implied in the Constitution. Since the various religions often disagree on many issues, the only way to keep them equal is to keep them OUT of the government!

We don't want to become a Christian Theocracy!


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