Sunday, July 30, 2006

The QUEER Nation!

I'm sitting here musing over the Balkanization of the world! This ethnic group, THAT ethnic group, this religion, THAT religion, etc. etc. etc....

Well, I'm NOT giving up U.S. citizenship... However, I am also citizen in another Nation. One without boundries or restriction. All you need to belong is to be gay and have access to the Internet! They are all my Brothers and Sisters and as such, my loyalties come to them, first! As long as you are loyal to THIS nation, I will put you first!

Being practical, however, we must have physical citizenship in a particular country. It helps with stuff like passports and benefits, ets. I also feel that Western countries are generally the best defenders of the Queer Nation. Yet I am sad when Israeli or American bombs kill some of my fellow countrymen in Lebanon or Iraq. Remember, we are everywhere!


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