Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hothead McCain??? Hmmm....

I want to be fair to the guy. I'll scour YouTube for videos of him blowing up. And I don't believe that just yelling at a reporter or using the F-word on a fellow senator qualifies. I kinda like the F-word at times, actually.

What concerns me more is the connection of the word NeoCon with the Senator. Now don't get me wrong, I favor a strong and effective military. And I favor standing up to rogue or terrorist nations. But I think we must be pragmatic here - we just don't have the might or the allies to get into another war. If "hothead" means recklessly invading yet another country, then I am concerned.

Yes, strengthen the military!!! Yes, take care of the veterans!!! But use our precious resources wisely. They were smart enough not to overly provoke North Korea and get them to stand down a bit. You would hope that the Senator, who has seen the horrors of war, would be cautious about subjecting our overstressed troops to more agony!

Yes, I will be fair. I never saw the "hothead" side of him. He always seemed rather gracious and diplomatic to me. So I'll follow him, see who he picks as V.P. and listen carefully. But I'm leaning away now. The analogy with the Roman Empire, who also overextended their reach, rings too true to me. The only way to keep this from happening is to reverse this dangerous course!


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