Thursday, July 13, 2006

Coors arrested for DUI

I'm NOT going to slam the guy or make a sarcastic joke about it. Despite being conservative republicans, they are a pretty decent family. Coors has made great strides in programs for it's GLBT employees and even offered some kind of domestic partner benefits for their employees. I wish I could work for Coors!

Now, as far as voting for Pete Coors in the last election, well NO, I did not as indicated in many previous posts. I've spoken about the unbalanced congress and that is the primary reason I voted for Ken Salazar. But I can separate the man's politics from his personal life.

Pete should probably be forced to do some public service announcements against drunk driving. But I'm not going to sit here and slam him, as I have driven drunk before. Many times! I don't drink that much or go to bars anymore, and I hope to NEVER drive drunk or impaired again. It's been years, actually since I've drank and driven. I still can't condom the man, however. We all make stupid mistakes!


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