Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sept 11, return to the Blog.

It appears to be an ordinary day. After the past weeks, that is a good thing. I saw Bush's approval ratings had dropped. I don't really want to see the guy go down in flames nor do I blame him for the problems getting help to Hurricane victims. Everyone in all levels of government is equally to blame! So I give W. credit for trying and showing up and hugging the hurricane victems. It also was a great photo op! Aside from that, I don't want to see the Republicans gaining in next years elections. We have enough Republicans! That said, the Dems need to show some restraint and be patient. They need to work on consolidating party resources and a unified messsage for the '06 election.

We can not go back to that post 9/11 mentality where it was considered unpatriotic to question actions of government. Since we've just had a rather drastic failure of government at all levels, it would be unAmerican not to question government!

As far as the current crisis is concerned, I believe it will be the generosity of the American people will save the day. I'll have to see how it goes, but I might book a vacation for the next Mardi Gras just to support the effort.


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